Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The Weakness of My Strength

One of my favorite stories in the Bible is in the book of Hosea. God calls him to take a prostitute as a wife. He loves her and cares for her and she repays him by going out and cheating on him, returning to her life as a prostitute.

After I went through my separation and divorce I felt I was strong and capable of living on my own. I had taken a purity vow and through my own stupidity broke it. I felt like I was Gomer and cheated on my Lord. I don’t know what it is but we feel as though we need something from the opposite sex. In our loneliness we miss the companionship, or the warmth of their touch. We think that we can just be friends but we fool ourselves. I thought I was really strong in this area. I was on my guard with my weak spots keeping an eye out for the “crafty one” to try and trick me. I never realized that he was waiting for the right moment to “pounce” on me by distracting me from my goal, and thus, finding the weak spot in my strength. It was my fall, “the cutting off of my hair”. Like Sampson I was boastful in a way about my strength. When I wasn’t alert it was stolen from me. What seemed like a simple phone conversation turned into another, and much time spent alone. The emotional affair was going farther than just a simple friendship. Thank God that He brought us both to our senses before it turned into a complete full blown affair. I was so ashamed, but as always, God was waiting with open arms for me to return to Him. I felt His passion all the more for me. He saw to all my needs, and comforted me. His loving touch set my heart on fire and helped me to see that in my weakness I am strong because I depend on His strength to carry me through and not my own. How many times before had I “sold” myself for something else to try and satisfy me when what I needed was just an arms stretch away? He showed me through personal experience that having the relationship with Him would fill me in ways that a human relationship never could. Strengthening my relationship with Him was what help make the earthly friendships be what they needed to be. I saw that I really needed to keep my close friendships with individuals of the same sex and in His time the other would come when I was ready, really ready for it. If I wanted to hang with guys I needed the gals around to keep me from wandering off onto a path that led to disaster, and heartache that I wasn’t emotionally nor spiritually ready for. If you are desiring companionship and need that human touch from Him, pray and ask Him to lead you to the place you should be. Getting involved in ministry at your church will give you that companionship with both sexes in a safe environment. Working with others towards the same goal is very rewarding in all aspects of your life.

Are you prostituting your relationship with Him for something less than you deserve? Read through the story of Gomer and Hosea and see what God says to you. I’d love to hear your comments and experiences in this area. Please click on the comment section below and write your thoughts so that others may gain better understanding of what God can do through them if they open their hearts to Him.

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